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Custodial Staff

Collage pictures of a girl holding a diploma

     Mrs. Sheronda Cato has been working at RPMS for 2 years; she’s been a part of the District since 2015.  Mrs. Cato has 2 children that attend Lawrence County Schools & 1 attends Alcorn State University!  She loves her family dearly.  Mrs. Cato is a Super Cougar Fan!  She loves God, Sports, Food, & Music!

     Mrs. Cato wants the Parents to know that at RPMS we love your children; and we make sure that everything is clean and sanitized for the kids.  She would also like for Parents to encourage their children to do their part in showing Viking Pride by placing things in the proper receptacles and cleaning up after themselves.

A statement from Viking family to Mrs. Cato

"This is an open letter “Thank You” to our custodians.

To keep a school running, it takes a village- especially now.  As much as teachers deserve praise and support for all of the work that they do inside (and outside) of the classroom, there are other unsung heroes that walk the halls every day making sure our students have a safe space where they can learn and grow.

School custodians are one group of support professionals that are those heroes.

Custodians are responsible for more than just sweeping floors, wiping tables, and hitting the lights at the end of the day. They are a schools’ first line of defense against viruses (like COVID-19), harmful bacteria, and disease.  In providing a clean and safe environment, help enhance the physical well-being of all students.

So to all of our school custodians out there:

Thank you for being fearless. This year is very uncertain, yet you put student health before you own and show up every single day, oftentimes working longer hours putting yourself at increased risk of exposure, to help continue to keep our children safe and healthy.

Thank you for your dedication. We all know what the floor of an elementary school looks like after snack time and we can only imagine what the inside of a locker room is like after game, but you dive in head first time and time again.

Thank you for being caring. You go above and beyond your job description every day, quietly watching over our students in the hallways and making sure nothing seems out of place. And even helping teachers arrange desks after-hours with a smile on your face.

Thank you for putting our students first. For cleaning out lockers and cubbies, wiping down desks, and sanitizing rooms multiple times a day. Thank you for making sure our doors are locked, drafty windows are fixed, and playground equipment is in tip-top condition.

Thank you for being a role model. For getting our school ready for visitors, for putting in the late hours, for always saying hello, for always being willing to lend a  helping hand, and most importantly for caring for our students.

Thank you for all of the hard work that you do for our schools."

An Open Letter “Thank You” to Custodians | California Casualty (